How to write an essay in English exam: Writing an essay in English is totally different from normal essay writing on school days and academic days. And these essays are very important because they can affect your final grade marks. Also there are many famous International exams of English like GRE, SAT and GED where you are required to write an essay.
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In these exams, you can not just write a rough essay of your school day. You must know the characteristics of effective essay writing. You need to write an essay of the master class. English grammar is incomplete without essays because there are essays that let students to know about their writing skills in English. The basic steps to write an effective essay are almost same as in competitive exams.
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Here I am giving you some tips on how to write an essay in English exam. I hope these tips will make you capable of writing effective essays.
How to write an essay in English exam
Define a specific time
Whenever you start writing an essay, you need to define a specific time according to the exam time. It is important to give a deadline for an essay because without it you will be writing freely and feeling the sheets. Students think that they have lots of time to write the whole essay but exam paper is set in accordance that specific time should be given to the essay. You should understand that how to manage time for the essay writing. By this you can save a lot of time for other questions of your exam paper.
Read the topic of essay accurately
The topic name is the only hint that is given by the examiner. Many students start writing essay without taking an accurate look at the topic. One should make some outlines when they start essay so that while writing essay there mind never stuck at any place.
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Make an image of essay in your mind before you write
As I told you that you should make an outlines before starting essay writing. It saves a lot of time because you never need to rethink about the content and theme of the essay. There should be a clear image in your mind that what are you going to write in the essay and what will be your goal of essay writing.
Always remember the foundation of essay
There are few specific sections of essay where all the examiners always give a look. Introduction, body and conclusion are the foundations of any essay. It is good that you make other points to make your essay more attractive but these main points should be added into the essay.
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Never write too much
Filled sheets look good when you see them after completing the exam. But do you really think that your examiner is ready to give you marks according to the sheets filled by you. Of course not, because essay writing skills are more about quality not quantity. There should be around 300 to 400 words in the essay. And this limit is more than enough because one can write all the important aspects of essay in this limit. Students follow a single rule that more sheets more will be the marks which is not good idea for sure.
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Give examples rather than explanation
Essays were only supposed as a theory that’s main aim is to fill sheets. But the time is now completely changed because no one really likes to read more paragraphs. Everyone needs examples rather than explanations. If you know some facts about your essay then try to write them in tabular format rattan than paragraphs. Table, charts and images always attracts others. Also they give a clear explanation of you want to say to the reader.
Quality Assurance
Last but not the least is essay’s quality check. The quality of essay contains its English grammar errors, presentation and hand writing. You need to assure all these quality factors if you want to score highest marks in your exam. If you do not assure the quality then your hard work may go into the dust.
So it was all about how to write an essay in English exam? I hope you all enjoyed reading this article. If you feel any problem regarding this topic then please comment below. We would like to help you.