How to introduce yourself and others in English: Self introduction is very important to make a great image of us in front of others. We never take it so lightly because it is the first step in starting a new relationship. On the other hand, self introduction plays a vital role in career and education too. In your academics, many situations come where you have to give your introductions.
And of course, it is the very first step when you are facing an interview. When you meet someone, it is necessary that you give a great introduction of yourself. Here I am giving you some tips that how to introduce yourself and others in English. We will take few examples to see how to introduce yourself in English.
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How to introduce yourself and others in English
Introduction can be in two forms, first one is when you are introducing yourself and second one is when you are introducing others.
When you are introducing yourself
I am Sumit.
I am Jack. (Only first name in informal situations)
I am Jack Marvin.
I am Sumit Thakur (Your complete name in formal and business deals)
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Here are some important expressions when you introducing yourself
My name is Sumit
Pleased to meet you, I am Sumit
Great to meet you, I am Sumit
Giving some more information about you
I am from India
I live in India
I hail from India
I come from India.
I am 23 years old.
I am 23.
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I am a blogger.
I work as a writer.
I work in Microsoft.
When you introducing other
Here are some important expressions when you introducing others
Sumit, please meet Shweta Dhiman.
Sumit, have you met Shweta?
I would like you to meet Shweta.
Possible responses
Great to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you
How to you do?
Note: How do you do, is not directly a question. It simply means” Hello”.
It is how you need to introduce yourself and others in English.
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It was all about How to introduce yourself and others in English? I hope you enjoyed reading our article. If you feel any problem regarding this article then feel free to tell us via comments.