How to build confidence in speaking English: Confidence plays a vital role in the life of everyone. It is a tool with which one can win all the battles of life. And if you don’t have confidence you can’t win even minor battles of life. So it is all about your confidence that how far you will go in your life.
When we strictly talk about Improving English, it becomes compulsory that you have confidence in you. If you have confidence in you then you can write, speak and communicate in English and without confidence you can’t even think about English. So there is a great role of confidence in speaking English.
So you need to take it easy when you start learning English from the base i.e. English grammar. Believe in yourself and come out of the comfort zone. Here are some tips for how to build confidence in Speaking English.
How to build confidence in speaking English
Why you want to learn English
Ask yourself, why you want to learn English? It may be that you want to learn English for your career and Education. It is possible that someone pinched you by calling an ‘illiterate person’. There can be any reason and you need to find that reason. Ones you have reason, no one can stop you to achieve that target.
Take it easy
English speaking is not a nightmare. Everyone learned English and that is why they are speaking in English. So never think that you can’t be like other persons who speak in English. Take it easy and have faith in you. Remember your victories made only by you.
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Learn the base
It is better that you start from the base of English language. If you start learning typical English, you may be losing you confidence soon. There is a particular step by step order to learn English grammar (Nouns, verbs, Tenses, adjectives etc.). Follow that order, and strengthen your base first so that you can tackle other hurdles confidently.
Speak in front of mirror
It is the best method to build your confidence in speaking English. I always put this method on first. It is the first time when you speak in front of anyone. Believe me; if you are able to speak in front of you then you can speak in front of everyone. Go in front of mirror and start taking your interview, it will boast your confidence for sure.
Appreciate yourself
Whatever you learn anything, appreciate yourself. Never compare yourself with others because you don’t know how many efforts others have given in learning English. And efforts put by you should be appreciated. Never blame yourself for your poor English; you are better than other because you are at least trying to learn English.
Also Read: How to improve your English vocabulary skills?
Positive attitude
Always be self motivated. Tell yourself that whatever the situation comes, you will face them with your confidence. Manage you time for your study and start learning English with confidence. It is your decision and you deserve the victory and pain.
Come out of your comfort zone
Ones you have confidence in you, no one can stop you. Now it is only you who can create hurdle in your path. You need to leave your comfort zone. Your comfort zone will not allow you to come out and take challenges. But you have to fight with this situation and leave your comfort zone.
Also Read: 5 Problems why Learning English is difficult in India?
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