Report writing format for CBSE Students: Reports are made to justify any event with accurate data, illustrations and figures. CBSE council has not given any specific writing format for reports to the students. And there is no specific set format for report writing.
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A report answers 5 W’s: What, when, why, where, who. One needs to focus on few important points regarding writing a report. There are few general sections that should be mentioned in a report. Here I am going to give a format for writing a report to the cbse students. I hope this report writing format will help cbse students.
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Report writing format for CBSE Students
Title: The very first part a report contains is its title. It is basically the most read part of the report. A title should be eye-catching and it must like something that justifies the report.
Writer name and designation: Write your name with your sir name. If you don’t have sir name in your documents then just write your name. Designation needs to be added in the report. It gives a justification of your report.
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Place and date: Write place and date in a specific format.
Purpose: It is very important and should be added to make your report more attention taking. Purpose of writing report should be clear and to the point.
Findings or summary
INTRODUCTION: Write brief introduction of the report. Introduction should be contains what is your report about. You need to tell what exact problem you are trying to present. Why this problem is happening and how can you solve this problem.
RELATED WORK: Tell something about the past works done on that report. What are related steps have been taken to solve this problem? Add some tables to substantiate your facts and illustrations.
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RESULTS: Explain the result of the steps that should be to be taken regarding that problem. The results should be shown in graphs and tables.
FUTURE WORK: What steps can be taken to solve the problem? What are the future works that can be done to interpret the problem?
Conclusion: readers focus on title, purpose, introduction and conclusion of the report. One needs to conclude all the points of the report in a smarter way. This is the place where everything comes together. It should be free from technical words and jargons.
However, you will find a different kind of report writing format in CBSE School that is given below.
Title—>Dowry a curse Shweta—>Student or Writer name Member, N.S.S—-> Designation ABC school, 23 Feb. 2011—> Place, Date Report (Summary of the whole report in paragraph format) |
So this was all about Report writing format for cbse Students. I hope you enjoyed our article and this format will help you in report writing. If you feel any problem then hit comment button so that we can help you.